How must confirmation of serving an order for information be provided?

You or the person serving the order on your behalf must provide a sworn statement (an affidavit) saying how and when the judgment debtor was served. A copy of the order served must be attached to the affidavit.

In addition you must also swear an affidavit saying whether or not the judgment debtor (or officer) has approached you to ask for travelling expenses, and if so, how much money was given. Do not worry if the judgment debtor (or officer) does not ask for travelling expenses – simply say in your affidavit that you have not been asked for any. You case will not suffer as a result since the opportunity has been given and it is not your fault if the debtor has chosen to ignore it. The judgment debtor (or officer) must ask for travelling expenses within 7 days of being served with the order to attend for questioning. Remember therefore, that you cannot swear your affidavit until after that time.

Your affidavit must either confirm that all the money that was owing when you issued your application remains unpaid, or give details of the balance owing if you have received any payments from the judgment debtor (or officer) in the meantime.

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